Tuesday, 9 December 2014


Lime’s KS2 Assembly

Lime class worked hard on getting ready for our first KS2 Assembly. We worked in our groups preparing resources, actions and information. The groups were as follows:
Introducing: Sophie S, Sophie B, Niamh
Singers (entrance music): Georgie, Carolina
Gymnastics: Imogen, Hannah, Issy, Ruby H, Ruby L, Siobhan and Nancy
LEGO Friends: Holly, Emily, Juliette and Sienna
Gaming: Bailey, Christopher, Freddie S, Freddie Y, Max, Oliver K, Oliver C, Jimi, Edward and Sam
Rainforest: Joshua, Joel, Kiran and Adam
Piano (exit music): Oliver C
We hope to be able to share the video with you soon!

‘The assembly was such a success because we all knew what we were doing and we spoke clearly.’ Issy

‘We all knew our words because we had practised in class.’ Joshua

‘The assembly went very well and we all tried our very best to make it a success.’ Holly

‘We all tried very hard not to fiddle with our words so that everyone could be heard.’ Oliver C

In Maple, Lime and Poplar have been thinking hard about the usefulness of paragraphs in fiction and non-fiction writing. We learned about using them to group information together and had a go at producing our own piece of writing using paragraphs and interesting words to link our sentences within them. We have also been planning some information texts about Rainforest animals.

Useful Websites:

Homework: Talk Homework. Please have a conversation about the topic and make plenty of notes to help with your writing on Monday!


In Mrs Prowle’s group, we have been continuing our work on data handling. We looked at the graphs we drew last week and discussed ways to improve them including making sure the scale on the y-axis was accurate and had equal intervals. We also used the Numicon to complete an investigation to see whether we could cover all of the numbers on a 100 square just by using different combinations of 3 and 5.

In Mrs Williams and Mrs Gilder’s group we have been using our knowledge of timetables to generate related facts.
If we know that 3 x 4 = 12, we can use of multiplying by 10 to generate more multiplication sentences.
Eg 30 x 4 = 120, 3 x 40 = 120

Some of us also extended our learning by recording some inverse facts.
Eg 120 ÷ 4 = 30, 120 ÷ 40 = 3

Generate some of your own sets of multiplication sentences. You could use a dice to generate your numbers.

In Mrs Roche’s group we have been looking at data handling. We started this week looking at tally charts, frequency charts and pictograms.

Homework for Mrs Roche’s group will now be given out on a Wednesday to be returned on Tuesdays. This week the children have been asked to complete test 6 in the Schofield book, if in the past they had gone ahead with the tests they have been given a different work sheet to do this week. Please only do the Test given, complete it in pencil and write down the time taken. If they have been helped in anyway please indicate this.

Mrs Prowle’s group – creating a frequency table and bar graph. Please do this homework neatly in your yellow books.
Mrs Gilder’s and Mrs William’s group – practise multiplying using known facts.

This week, Maple Class and Poplar investigated the water cycle. We made a model of the earth’s surface using a clear mixing bowl, some warm water, cling film and ice and watched as the water vapour cooled, condensed and fell back into the bowl, just like rain! We made some great posters to demonstrate what we had learned but some of us found it a bit tricky to use the words evaporation and condensation accurately.

We have been learning about Henri Rousseau who painted a lot of rainforest scenes.  We were amazed to find out he had never been to the rainforest because his pictures are so detailed and lifelike! 

In Maple and Poplar Class we combined Topic with Literacy to research and make notes on more information about the Rainforests and the animals that live in them.
We have been learning, along-side Mrs Williams, what a pentatonic scale is.  We enjoyed singing some songs which use pentatonic scales. 

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