Friday, 23 January 2015

 On Friday LKS2 were very lucky to have Mr Jarratt visit to share his expertise on birdwatching and let us look through his professional birdwatching telescope.  The children really enjoyed it and are now looking forward to doing our bird count as part of the Big School Birdwatch for the RSPB next week.

Lime class have continued their work on Calligrams and shape poems. We have also been experimenting with alliteration and similes. We used pictures of different animals to generate ideas.
Maple Class have continued their work on shape poetry this week, converting their similes and alliterative phrases into poems that follow patterns and rhythm. Here are some of our Lion poems that we completed in pairs.

Poplar Class too have continued their work on shape poetry and produced some excellent poems using similes and alliterative phrases.
Homework: This week the talk homework is about the weekend’s weather. As usual, please discuss the topic at home and make plenty of notes (bullet points / mind maps etc) in your green books. Remember you will be doing the main piece of writing at school on Monday so you shouldn’t do too much writing at home.
In Mrs Prowle’s group we have been practising multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 and learning about the decimal system. We applied this knowledge in the classroom by measuring lots of things and converting the measurements into different units (mm, cm, m and km).
Next week we will be revising our tables to make sure our knowledge of the basic multiplication and division facts is secure before we move on to more complicated written methods of these operations.  Please make sure you keep practising your tables at home!

Homework: converting measurements using your knowledge of multiplication and division by multiples of 10.
In Mrs Williams and Mrs Gilder’s group we have been exploring repeated addition and looked for patterns. Looking at the patterns we could then predict what numbers we thought would in the continued sequence and which would not.  The place value discs are really helping us to visualise what happens when two of the digits change. (eg adding 20; 70, 90, 110). Try writing your own sequences.
In Mrs Roche’s group we have been looking at some word problems involving subtraction and then looked at multiplying and dividing numbers by 10 and 100.
Homework: Test 9 in Schofield and Sims
In Maple Class we learned how we actually hear the sounds all around us. Having explored vibration over the last few weeks we found out how the sound waves are converted to something we can understand.
Can you label this diagram of the ear and explain how it works?

Maple and Poplar Class have been researching each of Henry VIII’s wives and preparing posters about them including a portrait and a variety of information.
Lime class decorated bookmarks with our names and the responses to the question Ca va? We also described clothing using different colours and practised our counting.
Lime, Poplar and Maple class studied the Tudor portrait. Can you remember the clues we found that tell us more about George?
The children began their own portraits and thought carefully about what clues they would put in their picture.

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